Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naming the Blog

I have to admit that choosing a name for this blog took about three weeks. I already had the first few posts ready to go before deciding on a name for this clever little blog. So why did I end up with a rather mundane name like "Confessions of a Caveman"? Because I'm not very creative or original.

I have to admit that picking a name was much harder than I thought it would be. I tried to pick something that conveyed who I am, what the blog's content would be and was catchy and easy to remember. I had lots of ideas, but most were lame and others were too crude to be linked to my Grandmother's Blog. So Instead of offending people everytime they come here I will just do it once below. Without further ado, rejected names for this blog, by category:

Nicknames I've had or wish I had.
Canadian Roughrider
Attila the Hungry
Attila the Hung
Fat Irish Prick
The Anal Analyst

Descriptors of the blog.
Mark's Madness
Mark's Manifesto
Mumblings of a Right Wing D-Bag
Poop and Penis Joke Compendium
Kate Gosselin's #1 Fan
Gambling Tips from a Mormon
The Dumbest Thing You'll Read All Day
Mark's Myocardial Infarction
Lady's Love Lower Back Hair

Current events.
Caradine's School of Knots
Michael's Prescription List
Team Edward
Joe Simpson's School for Fathers
Pujol's Poohole
Purple Jesus Will Save Us

1J Everyday
Trojan Fail
Cosmopolitan Coon Rapids
Anoka's A-Hole

What do you think? Did I miss any obvious ones? Give me your suggestions in the comments.


Melanie said...

Mark's Myocardial Infarction would have been my vote! Or Pujol's Poohole.

Ming said...

I'm scared to add you to my reader ;) Although I did wet my pants just a little bit after reading "Kate Gosselin's #1 Fan."

Funny shiz!

Brooke said...

I personally really dig Atilla the Hung.

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